Saturday, March 14, 2009

Codes for FCEU (Volumes A & B)


3d world runner
invincible -- 00e3 099 (or 00E3 63)
infinite continues -- 00e0 099 (or 00E0 63)

8 Eyes
invincible -- 030e 099 (or 030E 63)

634 Sword
invincible -- 00b0 255 (or 00B0 FF)

lives -- 0411 007 (or 0411 07)
invincible -- 040e 000 (or 040E 00)


Invincible -- 008a 000 + 0086 000
Invincible type 2 -- 009b 000 (or 009B 00)

Adventure Island
Totally invincible -- 0072 000
Invincible (type 2) -- 0075 001
Start in the final world, final zone
-- 0037 007 + 0038 003
No music -- 00ab 000
Mega Fire at the end bosses -- 006d 002
Never die from Falling
-- 0072 000 + 006a 000

Adventure Island 2
Invincible (except rocks) -- 0076 000
Multi Jumps -- 0085 031
Lives -- 07d2 007
Invincible (type 2) -- 00e5 255
Always have skateboard -- 007c 020

Level select is R-L-R-L-A-B-A-B

Adventure Island 3
Invincible (plow the enemies over)
-- 0081 001
invincible (smash) -- 00e5 255
lives -- 0394 008
level 6 -- 00d0 005
total invincible -- 0076 000
slow jumps -- 0088 002
mega jump -- 0086 070
don’t use with slow jump.

Adventure Island 4
Invincible -- 00f5 000
Undesirable affects. Must turn off when on ladder or rope.

Adventures in magic kingdom)
Invincible -- 706d 115
Energy -- 0091 000
Candles -- 0030 004
Time -- 06f2 030
Lives -- 06f4 005
Stars -- 06d8 008
All levels completed (cartridge users only)
-- 00ba 038

Adventures of Dino Riki
The Super Code:
MEGA Invincibility: --0057 000 + 00a2 000

Alien Syndrome
Lives -- 04a1 005
Lives (player 2) -- 04da 006
(The FCEU is mostly compatible with Alien Syndrome)

Alpha Mission
Invincible -- 00b6 000

Maxi invincible & Jumps -- 0190 001
Level 6-1 -- 0022 010
Level 6-2 -- 0022 011
Level 7-1 -- 0022 012

Antarctic Adcventure
Always have benie -- 0705 001
Infinite time -- 00ab 003

Arabian (super Arabian)
Invincible -- 030d 000

The white team is invincible -- 0627 019

Invincible --0083 131
(on smynes : try 0083 a0)

Fire Power -- 00d8 001
Catch it -- 0128 001
Weird--- have all weapons:
-- 008c 000 + 0129 255
Always able to warp: ---------- 0127 001

A.S.O. Armored Scrum Project
invincible -- 00b6 000

Invincible doesn’t blink -- 0085 080
Final level -- 00ed 016

-- Energy 0095 009 + 009b 003


Back to the Future
invincible in Street -- 03b2 001
all enemies die in café scence -- 037e 003
invincible in the Lorraine scene-- 0089 070
invinc. In final scene (sorry, GSP only)
-- 0087 020 + 02f7 240
sorry GSP only: 002f7 fd 0087 20
NOTE: with many codes throughout this collection,
Obviously, they must be enabled or disabled
Whenever desired.

Bad Dudes
invincible WITH Game Genie APEETPEY

balloon fight
enemies don’t move -- 0041 004

(also, on Game Genie, ‘Auntsu’ stuns enemies)

Bart Vs. The world
Energy -- 06bc 004
Invincible -- 051c 010
Fly -- 04e9 001
Lives -- 06c1 008
Note: fly code cannot be used all the time. (of course)

Bart Meets Radioactive man
Jump -- 0779 030
Invinc -- 0643 255
Lives -- 0640 006
Energy -- 0787 008

Baseball RBI
ninth inning -- 0114 009

Battle City
(game Genie)
***indestructible NZVVZO***
Fun codes: fort remains: 0068 132
Fort indestructible sorry ARPRO only 0068 80

Battle of Olympus
energy -- 004a 010
(of course, “energy” always implies: “Infinite energy”

Bible adventures (noahs ark, baby moses)
energy -- 07d3 132 + 0166 132

BigNOSE caveman
energy -- 0315 001
lives -- 0030 007
invincible -- 0012 255
jump -- 0311 004
invincible type 2 -- 0312 005
always have ‘the club’.-- 030e 005
Lava -- 030f 004
Game genie code: Paugtaaa
Game genie code: ananakll

Binary land (with the Penguins)
time -- 005c 002
lives -- 001e 007
motionless enemies -- 053e 000
GAME Genie: no spiders: YPeKLi
Game genie: no webs VZTVLS

Bionic Commando
invincible -- 0536 255
warp to level 7 --004d 007 + 04ca 004
warp to level 6 -- 004d 006 + 04ca 001

NO GOALLIES -- 03da 000
+ 03d9 000
(or, just use 03da 000)
fun code—start in the 3rd period 0034 002

Blaster Master
Hoover Ability -- 03fc 005
Press “B” in the game -- 0099 051
weapon Power -- 0092 255 + 0099 255

invincible -- 007a 004
game genie codes:
Invincible (type 2. my favorite) NLYSTA
Immune to blasts OXVGITSX

Bomberman 2
Invincible -- 0076 000

invincible type 2
this is for AP Pro only -- 0084 000

Bonks Adventure
invincible -- 0452 002
Star Code: Energy -- 0444 008
Lives -- 0441 006
Speed -- 0447 006
Jump -- 0446 030
Blink invincible -- 0482 255

Break Thu
invincible fun code
-- 00b0 001 + 00b1 002
(can get stuck)
frees the car -- 00b1 002

Professional style Invincible-- 009d 004
Strange…. No enemies -- 0075 000

Bubble bobble
Invincible -- 003f 133

Bubble Bobble 2
switch On, while In Round
Invincible -- 0477 002

Bucky o hare
invincible -- 0680 003

Bugs Bunny 50th anniversary
Lives -- 0429 008
Jump -- 0441 000
Level 6 -- 0420 005
Energy -- 0428 009

Bugs Bunny Crazy Castles
Game genie invincible -- GXETZZEI
(for info. on which codes are original,
and which are from Galoob,
check out the perspective blogs).

Bump n jump
game genie invincible -- OVLLZK
level 9 -- 0056 009

Burai Fighter
invincible -- 00d5 000

B Wings
Invincible -- 0017 000

Game genie: VERY invincible NTOXPK
(Original code.
Check out the "Original game genie codes" blog, for more info.)

Nintendo (A & B) and Numbers

Nintendo (C & D)

Nintendo (E & F)

Nintendo (G & H)

Nintendo (I and J)

Nintendo (K & L)

Nintendo (M & N)

Nintendo (O & P)

Nintendo (Q & R)

Nintendo (S )

Nintendo (T)

Nintendo (U & V)

Nintendo (W & X)

Nintendo (Y & Z) And, Updates.

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